Intel-based Windows NT systems achieve significant price- performance advantages over standard Unix systems, according to IT specialist, Aberdeen Research Group, in its latest study published yesterday. The research, based on 11 recent SAP R/3 installation benchmarks, claims the NT-on-Intel system gives a price-performance ratio three to eight times better than the Unix-on-RISC platform. The SAP benchmarks incorporate a real application software layer and therefore offer a better predictor of real application performance, the company said. The group drew its conclusions by combining the results of the tests with pricing information for configurations of Hewlett-Packard Co, Sun Microsystems Inc, Digital Equipment Corp, Compaq Computer Corp and Data General Corp systems. The white paper – Price- Performance of Unix and NT Systems: Reading the SAP R/3 Benchmark of tea leaves – found that hardware acquisition costs were significantly less for NT platforms within a performance requirement range satisfactory for most medium-sized companies. But it added that requirements for the highest possible levels of absolute performance can still, at least for now, tip the balance in Unix’s favor. However, as NT capabilities improve, Unix will find it difficult to maintain its lead, the report concluded.