Google has launched AdWords for Video, which it says will help even more businesses play big with video on YouTube.

Unveiling the service, YouTube Group product manager Baljeet Singh said "Similar to search advertising — where you pay for clicks and set budgets with bids — we created a new model for video advertising,"

"With Google AdWords for video, you only pay when someone chooses to watch your ad, and you can create and manage video campaigns from the same platform as your search and display ads," he added.

"On average, we’ve found that YouTube video ads drive a 20 percent increase in traffic to your website and a 5 percent increase in searches for your business (Google Campaign Insights, 2011)."

Google stated the service will help users figure out how viewers are engaging with their brands after they watch ads and see how many viewers watched their entire video, visited website, stayed on their channel to watch another video, or subscribed to the channel, after viewing ad.

Google says the service is now available to all and advertisers can create an account and start promoting videos.

Advertisers will only pay when viewers choose to watch their ads, so if the user skips it and are not interested, it won’t charge anything.

The company is offering $50m worth of free AdWords credits to 500,000 businesses, and a $75 credit to new AdWords customers.

YouTube has over 800 million monthly users.