Business application software provider Infor has partnered with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to help customers leverage the cloud for improving how Infor10 Business Cloud applications are deployed and managed.

Infor will use the infrastructure-as-a-service applications of Amazon to provide its CRM, EAM and ERP services to customers through the cloud.

Deploying Infor applications in the cloud through AWS enables customers to access functionality that keeps their business running effectively, without any expensive IT infrastructure and concerns required to maintain software on-premises.

Infor will use the AWS capabilities in deploying production environments, deploying and testing new versions of Infor applications, disaster recovery sites and dedicated hosting where each customer has their own servers running their own instance of the application.

The AWS capabilities are used for testing customisations before deploying the customisations to a production environment and starting an implementation immediately instead of having to wait until servers are ordered, shipped, and installed for on-premises deployments.

Amazon Web Services Business Development director Terry Wise said, "The scalable, on-demand, pay-as-you-go nature of AWS has provided Infor the opportunity to easily deploy new instances of Infor’s industry application suites in the cloud, offering customers the ability to try and buy these apps and auto scale them based on the demands of their business."