National Semiconductor Inc’s WebPad internet appliance design has resurfaced at Comdex, with Acer Corp agreeing to make devices based on the design and Boundless Technologies Inc developing WebPad software. The WebPad design is based on NatSemi’s Geode GLVX PC on a chip – which integrates a x86 core with graphics, audio, a memory controller and PCI interface.

The first WebPad device Acer will manufacture is the Information Station, a Windows CE-based terminal with a keyboard, mouse, LCD display and 16Mb of Flash ROM memory. The machine will connect directly to the internet on boot-up and enable the user to access email as well. The first devices are expected to surface by the end of 1999. Acer is also working on a touch-screen, tablet style device like the appliance that NatSemi originally announced that Tatung would be producing. Meanwhile, Boundless has developed the iBrow web browser, email client and e-commerce application for the WebPad.