This relationship enhances a strategic focus started a year ago by both companies. FDC can now bring EMC’s complete line of Enterprise Storage, Enterprise Storage Networking, Storage Area Network (SAN), and Network Attached Storage (NAS) products to the Air Force and other federal government entities.

This relationship provides a crucial link in FDC’s offerings on this BPA, fulfilling the major mission-critical information storage requirements for a Secure, Well-Managed, Multiservice Enterprise. This addition allows FDC to offer the full range of best-of-breed products to support this initiative.

We are especially excited about this partnership, says Rene LaVigne, Senior Vice President of FDC’s Systems and Technology Group, Networking and storage management solutions are significant elements of our internet infrastructure solutions focus which seeks to integrate sophisticated products into sophisticated IT environments. With FDC’s analysis, design and integration expertise, as well as knowledge of Federal Government IT needs, and EMC’s first in class technology, this contract promises to offer significant opportunities to forward-thinking Air Force IT departments.

Our customers have confirmed that information now rests squarely at the center of their IT infrastructures, said Steve Alferis, General Manager of EMC’s Federal Systems Group. With FDC’s presence within the Air Force and EMC’s strategic IT offerings, we’re extending the reach and increasing the value both EMC and FDC bring in helping our joint customers build out their infrastructures to best manage all their information.