We have evaluated ModeStyle.com’s business model which focuses on e-commerce and, based on the current internet climate in this market, the ModeStyle Board of Directors has decided not to continue its development, said Colin Ungaro, president of Freedom Magazines. We want to thank all of the dedicated people at ModeStyle who put their heart and soul into this venture.
Ungaro said about 21 people were laid off with the closing.
ModeStyle.com was launched in 1999 as an e-commerce extension of MODE Magazine. MODE, jointly owned by Freedom and Lewit & LeWinter, is the highly successful fashion and beauty magazine for full figured women.
MODE co-owners Nancy LeWinter and Julie Lewit said the closing of ModeStyle.com would not impact MODE or its websites, Modemag.com and Modemagazine.com.
Those websites are thriving and will continue to expand through affiliate programs. LeWinter said.