– Shortly before losing his temper with Microsoft attorney, Michael Lacovara, professor Franklin Fisher warned him that all the talk of the desirability or otherwise of tight browser- operating system integration brought to mind what he called a pungent quote that he felt compelled to use. Fisher then quoted 1960’s French songwriter Jacques Brel, who once said, they want to color the world the color of goose shit, which he likened to Henry Ford’s comment about consumers having the opportunity to have Model T’s in any color, provided it was black. If it was up to Ford, said Fisher, we’d all still be driving black cars. In other words, if it was up to Microsoft, Fisher argues that we’ll all be using Internet Explorer for ever more – all of us who use Windows, that is.

– Despite Professor Franklin Fisher’s undoubted intellect and extensive experience in economics, Microsoft’s Lacovara saw fit at one point to imply that he was merely regurgitating the testimony of a previous witness, Professor Frederick Warren- Boulton, and that he regurgitated whatever the Justice Department fed him. We were shown the same stuff…but I know I saw stuff he didn’t, said Fisher. Lacovara asked, somewhat facetiously if it was a case of great minds thinking alike. I don’t know if I’d characterize either of us as great minds, given that I’m under oath, quipped Fisher.

– The now-famous quote from Paul Maritz to Intel that Microsoft’s intention was to cut off Netscape’s air supply was brought up yet again yesterday. Lacovara tried to show that it was a common utterance among Silicon Valley types. Fisher replied that yes, maybe it was, but most of the time it is uttered, it’s not uttered by a company with monopoly power. If I was a monopoly, it would be wise to restructure [the words I use] lest they be too accurate.