Technology services company Neudesic has extended its portfolio of integration and SOA middleware built on the Microsoft platform, with the release of Neuron-ESB 2.6.

The new release is built on Microsoft .NET and Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation technology to provide real-time reliable messaging, web service, and integration options for companies adopting SOA and requiring either on premise or cloud integration, or a distributed topology.

It provides full support for Microsoft Azure, FTP/FTPS, ODBC and REST delegation, as well as new event-based integration plugins for Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.

Neuron-ESB 2.6’s new reporting and management capabilities will help companies gain new insight into business activities and reduce operational costs.

The new release also enables organisations to develop and deploy enhanced processes and create custom reusable process activities eliminating complex technologies.

Neuron-ESB general manager Marty Wasznicky said, "Neuron-ESB 2.6 is a significant release that extends our platform by introducing new capabilities that allow businesses to more easily scale, develop, connect and operationally manage their solutions."