Launching a cyber attack on any IT system could become a criminal offence punishable by at least two years in prison, in the EU manages to pass tough new laws.

The EU Civil Liberties Committee has backed a draft law that would update existing EU legislation on cyber attacks.

As well as tougher penalties for hacking, possessing or distributing hacking software and tools would also be an offence. Companies could also be held liable for any cyber attacks carried out for their benefit.

The proposals would unite laws across the European Union for anyone found guilty of a cyber attack against a website, database or network. Similarly, illegally accessing, interfering with and intercepting data will be treated as a criminal offence.

Part of the new laws will mean tougher sentences for these types of crime, with two years in prison being the minimum sentence. At the top end of the scale a five year stretch could be handed down for "aggravating circumstances", such as an attack that uses a botnet or one that causes significant service disruption, financial costs and loss of financial data.

IP spoofing, where an attacker essentially uses someone else’s online identity to launch an attack could soon be punishable by three years in prison, while tougher penalties have also been proposed if the attack is launched by criminal organisation and/or targets critical infrastructure, such as power stations. However the EU has not specified what these new tougher measures would be.

"We are dealing here with serious criminal attacks, some of which are even conducted by criminal organisations. The financial damage caused for companies, private users and the public side amounts to several billions each year" said rapporteur Monika Hohlmeier.

"No car manufacturer may send a car without a seatbelt into the streets. And if this happens, the company will be held liable for any damage. These rules must also apply in the virtual world" she added.

The EU is hoping for agreement on the new rules by this summer.

Earlier today the European Commission announced plans to launch a Cybercrime Centre, to co-ordinate a European-wide response to the growing threat from online attacks.