Prodigy Internet Services Corp will tomorrow roll out its new content offerings it acquired as part of its deal in January with Excite Corp. The online service provider has crawled back from its near-death experience following its split with previous owners, IBM Corp and Sears Roebuck & Co back in summer 1996 and was boosted by its subsequent injection of a private placement that put some $179m at its disposal over a period of just over a year, starting last summer. The company, which now runs three distinct divisions: online service, international and software development and licensing. The Excite deal was part of the White Plains, New York company’s decision to get out of much of its original content development. It also says that some 80% of its customer are now covered with 56Kbps access – the rest will be complete late this spring. The company outsourced the maintenance if its entire network last August to Texas-based SplitRock Services Inc.