Bea Systems and Symantec Corp have launched a bundling deal aimed at existing Tuxedo users looking to build e-commerce applications on their installed systems. The bundle, called Bea WebPak, will consist of Symantec’s Visual Cafe Java development tool, Bea’s Jolt Java client and Weblogic Java application server. Chris Hopper, Bea’s product line director for tools and management products, sees a market for the software among existing users of Bea’s Tuxedo transaction processing monitor, looking to build web-based and intranet applications. Hopper claims that easily half of the 2,000-company installed base for Tuxedo require web front ends – from users with order/entry or shipping systems, to users with third party applications built on Tuxedo. However, Hopper admitted that other companies – notably Kiva Software Corp and Netscape Communications Corp – have already made inroads on the Tuxedo installed base with similar packages, selling to a significant amount of Tuxedo account holders and he said that Bea had to respond. In addition, purchasers of the database edition of Symantec’s Visual Cafe Database Edition 3.0, will be offered a free, 30-day download of the Bea WebLogic application server. The WebPak bundle is available now, priced at $19,500.