Last week, Facebook spoke out against employers who were asking the site for password logins of interviewees.

The social networking site released a statement due to the "distressing increase in reports of employers or others seeking to gain inappropriate access to people’s Facebook profiles or private information."

The company said that an employer asking for another person’s password login is a violation of Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.

The site then warned that it may take legal action against those asking for another person’s private information.


Facebook has released another statement on the issue since then, choosing to work with policy makers and stakeholders to ensure the privacy of Facebook users. The company does not have "immediate plans" to take legal action on behalf of users, despite threatening to do so on Friday.

The company updated its statement of rights and responsiblities announcing its plan of action in addressing employers wanting user private information.

"We don’t think employers should be asking prospective employees to provide their passwords because we don’t think it’s the right the thing to do. While we do not have any immediate plans to take legal action against any specific employers, we look forward to engaging with policy makers and other stakeholders, to help better safeguard the privacy of our users," Facebook said in a statement.