NavaraSoft Ltd, the Shannon, Ireland based provider of remote access software has partnered with Remedy Corp, of Mountain View, California to enable users of Remedy’s helpdesk system to better communicate with mobile workers. By integrating NavaraSoft’s Circadia application with Remedy’s Action Request helpdesk software, mobile users can now receive up to the minute customer information via laptop computers or handheld PCs, the companies said.

In the past, said a spokesperson for the company, helpdesk operators would answer customer calls and then have to track down the nearest mobile engineer by telephone, or via email. The integration with Circadia now enables operators to send the customer’s details, via a trouble ticket, directly to the worker’s laptop PC, including information about the customer’s inquiry and his or her address. Conversely, by having the client software installed locally, field support staff can send information (the amount of time spent with the customer, the amount charged and so on) back to the call center where the data is automatically synchronized with the customer’s records. In addition, the software enables users to dial in and download their appointments remotely.

Circadia works with any handheld device running Microsoft’s Windows CE operating system or a laptop PC using a 95/98 or Windows NT platform. It works with Remedy’s AR software version 3.0 or higher on a Windows NT 4.0 server. Pricing was not available as we went to press.