Networking firm Cisco and telecom operator CTM have partnered to launch new cloud computing technologies, including Cisco CloudVerse, Cloud Infrastructure Service and ‘Business Talk’ Unified Communication Service.

Cisco CloudVerse will enable organisations to build, manage and connect public, private and hybrid clouds and businesses to realise the benefits of the cloud by combining Unified Data Center, Cloud Intelligent Network, and Cloud Applications and Services.

Unified Data Center is designed to allocate resources within and between data centres using unified computing and unified fabric. It also provides a platform that automates the "as a service" model across physical and virtual environments.

Cloud Intelligent Network provides user security regardless where the user is located and across the multiple clouds involved in delivering an application or service, whereas the Cloud Applications and Services enable "as a service" delivery of both Cisco and third-party cloud applications.

Cloud Infrastructure Service is powered by the Cisco Unified Communication System (Cisco UCS) and Cisco Nexus switches. It enables a resource pooling infrastructure and also reduces the up-front capital investment in computing infrastructure and ongoing hardware upgrade and maintenance expenses including electricity and cooling expenses.

"Business Talk" service is a telephony application, which includes CTM’s cloud service platform, Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco IP Phone.

The new service delivers voice services via multiple devices including business phones, desktop computers, notebooks and smartphones, in addition to HD voice, fixed-mobile convergence and mobility extension capabilities.