3Com Corp, which is working on carving out a place for its products in the carrier switch market as part of the Carrier Scale Internetworking alliance with Siemens/Newbridge has melded its Total Control technology with Siemens EWSD digital switching system services, boosting voice over IP on Siemen’s switches and will release this year with Siemens’ voice/data gateway, server and switch. Siemens will rely on 3Com technology to offer services such as alerting PC users to an incoming call while they are using the internet and enables users to make the choice between completing a call via the IP network or the standard telephone network. The two companies expect to start shipping the switch within the next three months. In the third quarter the companies will release and separately market a H.320/H.323 communication gateway – one of the few voice over IP standards agreed upon – which enables devices connected to the internet to exchange voice, video and data with telephone networks. The companies will also release a communication server in the third quarter that is based on Siemens’ Hicom technology, which allows for computer telephony integration. 3Com will then follow up in the fourth quarter by selling a stackable, communication server built on Siemen’s Hicom technology and sold under Cisco’s SuperStack II name.