Intel Corp, as expected (CI No 3,606) is expected to introduce the latest set of processors for the value notebook sector today (Monday) along with the associated 440MX and 440ZX chipsets. The Mobile Celeron has been boosted to a 366MHz clockspeed, and becomes the first to take advantage of a new MicroPGA processor packaging, a much smaller version of plastic pin grid array designs already used on Mobile versions of the Pentium 2. It’s now the fastest Intel processor for mobile value PCs says Intel.

The first mobile versions of the Celerons, running at 266MHz, were introduced at the start of this year, with 333MHz versions following in April. Faster Celerons are in the pipeline.

Both chipsets are designed for Celeron-based notebooks. The ZX chipset adds support for Intel’s Advanced Graphics Port, a first in this market segment, and the MX, a one-chip design, has support for soft audio and modem features, making it the most suitable for very small mobile PCs such as mini notebooks. The Micro PGA packaging, which consists of a processor and a socket, is Intel’s smallest pinned processor package to date, and has been extended down to the lower clock speed Celerons as well. Intel says it will enable mobile PC vendors to keep a single motherboard design in inventory for a variety of processor speeds.

The new Celeron costs $170 in quantities of 1,000. The MX chipset is $22.35 in 10,000 unit quantities and the ZX is $26. All are available immediately.

Also today, Intel is introducing the 550MHz version of the Pentium III processor for desktops, up from the current 500MHz. It costs $744 in the usual quantities, with the 500MHz part dropping in price from $637 to $483. The 450MHz versions of both the Pentium III and Pentium II drop from $411 to $268, and the Pentium II pricetag is cut from $234 down to $193. Celeron price cuts are expected next month, and further Pentium cuts are likely once the 600MHz Pentium III emerges.