Bulloch Telephone is deploying networking applications provider ADTRAN’s Optical Network Edge (ONE) and Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) applications to create an optical service delivery framework to support delivery of voice, video and data services.

Bulloch Telephone operates a county-wide network and is leveraging the Total Access 5000 as the foundation for service delivery moving forward.

ADTRAN’s ONE and FTTH applications provide an opportunity to reinvent access networks with new Ethernet and wavelength-based business and residential services.

The ADTRAN ONE application is packet optical, right-sized and delivers enhanced multi-service scalability and pay-as-you-grow modularity for an improved time to revenue of the high-value services.

For service providers looking to expand their addressable market while growing their network capability, combining ADTRAN’s ONE and FTTH applications offer a flexible and enhanced capacity, deep fibre alternative with extended possibilities.