– The promised damaging internal flamemails that Jim Barksdale described as Netscape’s electronic water cooler were used in evidence on Monday. The postings from the bad attitude newsgroup claimed that Netscape made vaporware announcements about Navigator. A claim that Barksdale refuted. However, he had no answer for the posting that Navigator was faster, Than a dog with no legs. If that Dog’s up to its waist. And Dead.

– Asked by Defense attorney Warden, Did you at one time liken Microsoft to a truly repugnant enemy. Barksdale said, You mean a scorpion? Warden replied, I was thinking more of the Nazis. Barksdale said, At one time we were the Allies and they were the Axis.

– In a similar vein, it came to light that in email correspondence, Barksdale referred to AOL’s Steve Case as ‘Franklin D.’ Asked why he said, You don’t want to go there. Barksdale’s pet name in the same emails was Joseph Stalin. He claimed that he always wanted to be called Winston Churchill but never got to be. รก