America Online Inc has sued another two companies for spamming on its network and has issued a list of its ten most wanted spammers. AOL chief executive Steve Case, speaking at the second day of the Consumer Online Services conference in New York, said the company would actively pursue each of the ten companies through the courts. Case would not name the two new spammers to be sued, but said that it had received a judgement against Prime Data Worldnet – after it failed to contend AOL’s case against it, and AOL has also been successful in stopping the ironically-named Squeaky Clean Marketing and Cyber Service. The ten AOL is aiming at for refusing the company’s requests to stop sending spam to its members are the so-called Notoriously Nasty Spammer; the LoseWeight Center; Lovetoys Productions; CN Productions; Internext; AMV Inc; Softcell Marketing Inc; Paragon Marketing; American Eagle/PMA and Springdale Productions. Case also took the opportunity to pass on his ten commandments of succeeding in the online services businesses, including number eight: thou shalt not deal with Washington lightly, warning that the business will be more influenced by public policy issues than technology over the next five years.