Oracle has introduced its JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Mobile Expense Management, extending support for the mobile workforce.

The mobile expense management application reduces time to payment and increases employee satisfaction by enabling mobile workers to enter, submit, review and approve expense reports in real time, regardless of physical location.

It also allows customers to monitor and track spending with preferred suppliers and leverage that information to negotiate improved travel-related contacts and benefits for employees.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne customers can now extend user choice and help increase productivity by leveraging four mobile applications: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Mobile Expense Management, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Mobile Requisition Self Service Approval, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Mobile Purchase Order Approval and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Mobile Sales Inquiry.

The mobile expense management streamlines expense management by enabling mobile workers to enter, submit, review and approve expense reports in real time, regardless of physical location whereas mobile requisition self service approval provides real-time transaction processing for the review, approval or rejection of requisitions.

Mobile purchase order approval helps enable mobile workers to review and approve purchase orders regardless of physical location and the mobile sales inquiry addresses the needs of sales representatives, service technicians and managers by providing access to sales orders, item availability and item base price on-demand.

Oracle JD Edwards group vice president and general manager Lyle Ekdahl said by enabling mobile workers to manage expense reports on their mobile devices, Oracle’s JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Mobile Expense Management can reduce time to payment and increase employee satisfaction.