Dutch IT services group Getronic NV yesterday reported net income up 33%, at the equivalent of $109m last year, on revenues that were up 25%, at $1.71bn. The result reflected the companyÆs change in emphasis during the year, putting less effort into distribution, where revenues were up 21% in favor of what it calls business solutions and consulting. This is a higher-margin segment in which revenues grew 51% while the operating profit was up 67%. The largest segment in terms of revenues was still systems integration and network services, responsible for revenues of $1.02bn, while the consulting area brought in just a fraction of that, at $413m (though the growth of the two was 17% and 51% respectively). On the operating profit side, meanwhile, systems integration racked up $71.7m, representing an operating margin of 7.1%, while consulting had an operating profit of $76.6m, a margin of 18.5%.