Access disks to the upgraded Doctors Net Access (DNA) Cardiology Channel by RxCentric were distributed at last week’s annual meeting of the American Heart Association.

Like RxCentric’s six other channels, organized by medical specialty, the Cardiology Channel now offers cardiologists a central online resource that delivers rapid access to leading peer-reviewed, objective medical information, as well as resources for their personal interests like news, finance, sports and leisure. Partnering with pharmaceutical companies, DNA also offers physician users access to a variety of pharmaceutical company-sponsored information and services through RxCentric’s unique suite of online products, including online detailing and sampling, continuing medical education (CME), online events and more, all within the DNA home environment. DNA is provided as a free service to physicians.

Through DNA, physician users also can access RxCentric’s leading drug information databases that offer objective, comparative drug information provided by Facts and Comparisons, Inc., as well as medically relevant links that have been tested by physicians. In addition, RxCentric has formed new partnerships with, and other consumer-oriented services popular with physicians; users can access these services through DNA as well.

Cardiology is a rapidly changing field, said Richard Findlay, RxCentric’s President and CEO, in a company statement. We’ve designed the DNA Cardiology Channel working directly with cardiologists to create what they want and need professionally and personally, all within one environment. This with the fastest access possible and RxCentric’s proprietary, state-of-the-art search capabilities. As a result, physicians are staying within the DNA network much longer, greatly increasing their exposure to pharmaceutical company-sponsored offerings.