Geneva Venture Partners has announced a strategic partnership with the Object Management Group (OMG). The deal will see Geneva Ventures’ newly formed second fund, focussed on internet infrastructure, e-commerce and telecommunications, supported by the OMG through advisory services. Geneva Ventures general partner Igor Gill told ComputerWire that while the fund is not geared to investing only in OMG-related technology companies: it’s clearly helpful to us to have the alliance. The OMG people are incredibly technically astute and competent. The big attraction for us is that they’re leading the pace in standardization of a lot of new technology areas like XML. Then there’s Geneva Partners’ improved access to the 800 member companies of OMG to be taken into account. if one of our portfolio companies would like to talk to Microsoft about a strategic distribution for products, that would give us an opportunity, Gill explained. It’s a way of making introductions.