A consortium of advertising networks announced that its members would honour the "Do Not Track" technology in some major web browsers.

The White House unveiled Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights whose intention is to protect consumers privacy when they surf.
The bill lays emphasis on transparency, security and control of users’ data.

Meanwhile, the Digital Advertising Alliance, a consortium of advertising networks, also announced that its members would honour the "Do Not Track" technology in Google, Microsoft Corp and Firefox browsers.

Federal Trade Commission chairman Jon Leibowitz told the media that it was not the end, it may not be the beginning of the end, but it’s a very important step forward

President Obama, issued a statement, saying American consumers can’t wait any longer for clear rules of the road that ensure their personal information is safe online.

"As the Internet evolves, consumer trust is essential for the continued growth of the digital economy," Obama added.
Leibowitz said a failure to meet privacy commitments, once adopted, could be a deceptive act or practice, warranting FTC fines or other action.

The proposed bill of rights seven principles, which include Individual Control, Transparency, Respect for Context, Security, Access and Accuracy, Focused Collection and Accuracy.