What do you give a man who has everything? With a multimillion dollar Japanese mansion in Silicon Valley, a Russian Mig fighter jet and a Formula One racing car, there was, until recently, only one status symbol missing from Oracle chief executive Larry Ellison’s impressive collection – a stalker. The urbane chief executive, whose enthusiastically unabstemious lifestyle was chronicled in the 1997 book, The Difference Between God and Larry Ellison, can now truly be labeled a star. At the recent user conference of supply chain software vendor i2 Technologies, a statuesque blonde woman in the front row made her feelings for Ellison quite clear. As he give his presentation on stage she, using a flip pad on her lap, spelt out a message to him, one letter per page: My name is Jill. Kiss me. When this overture proved insufficient to capture Larry’s attention, she apparently settled on more direct action. As Ellison left the stage, she lunged for him, but was, perhaps surprisingly, fended off by his bodyguards. Sources have confirmed that the woman has, in fact, been following Ellison from keynote to keynote. Perhaps she became besotted after Ellison’s appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show as America’s most eligible bachelor. Computer Business Review.