Fujitsu will release GLOVIA ENTERPRISE, a new service that supports a company’s global operations by powering its overseas production facilities to optimise production and sales according to global market trends.

The GLOVIA ENTERPRISE will enable customers in the manufacturing industry to improve the dynamism and flexibility of their global operations and management by leveraging global supply chains.

Fujitsu’s new service consists of three product lines, which include Global Master, Global Monitoring and Global PSI.

Global Master manages important information, includes customer contact information, organisational information and factors that are required for analysis. It matches integrated global identification data lists with local data, while also converting series identification codes used by management and end-item codes used in the manufacturing plants.

Global Monitoring visualises data collected from various manufacturing centres using the global master data file provided by Global Master. It produces two different kinds of data for each organisational level — management, department and job administrator.

The first category is performance indicators and inventory turnover rates and other KPIs, and the second is alarm alert information provided when KPI values deviate from pre-determined thresholds.

By cross checking the data provided by Global Monitoring with operations plans overseen by business management systems, Global PSI enables increased transparency, on a monthly basis, of a company’s projected vs. actual sales and production status. Global PSI produces global BOM lists that cover a company’s entire global supply chain.