Japanese electronics maker Fujitsu is planning to introduce a number of smartphone and tablet devices in Europe in a bid to enable the company enter the fast-growing European smartphone and tablet market.

Fujitsu intends to release its Android and Windows Phone 7-based devices range and is said to be in talks with operators about the launch in the country, reported The Financial Times.

The newspaper did not reveal when exactly Fujitsu would launch the products for European customers, but said the company is reportedly eyeing a double-digit market share in the next three to five years.

At the upcoming Mobile World Congress event to be held in Barcelona next week, the company will unveil a wide range of mobile devices for both Android and Windows operating systems to compete with European market leaders like Apple and Samsung.

Reports reveal the company’s new variety of smart phones and tablet PCs are using technology with features such as Fingerprint Readers, LTE and NFC, which have been developed for the global markets.