The two companies will jointly market and deliver sales performance and compensation systems powered by TrueCompä , Callidus Software’s variable compensation management system. It will help companies automate the administration and management of incentive compensation programs.

The combined resources of Towers Perrin’s Sales and Marketing practice and Callidus Software will offer key deliverables in each of the four quadrants of the performance improvement cycle: 1. Effectiveness assessment, 2. Pay and measurement program design, 3. Implementation and communication, and 4. Ongoing performance monitoring/reporting and sales incentive program management.

TrueComp’s sales performance reporting and analysis tools allow us to design and implement systems that sales managers and sales representatives can use to continuously track and analyze performance in time to redirect effort and maximize both results and rewards. TrueComp offers the opportunity to automate and improve some of the key elements of the sales performance improvement cycle ¾ measuring, reporting and rewarding the efforts, behaviors and results that drive company success, said Tim Weiler, a Towers Perrin principal and one of the leaders of its Sales and Marketing practice.

TrueComp helps Senior Sales, Marketing, Finance and Human Resource executives to shape pay-for-performance plans into business performance tools that reward the sales force for achieving the company’s strategic objectives, said Phil Ressler, Callidus Software’s senior vice president, marketing. The alliance between Callidus Software and Towers Perrin integrates the value of both companies to provide a total solution ¾ one that moves beyond pay plans to address the broader performance management needs of our customers.

Sales compensation plan effectiveness is often compromised by poor performance reporting and assessment tools. Representatives and managers must collect, assemble and sift through mounds of performance data for the information needed to direct sales rep priorities and calculate incentives. Conflicting data sources compound the time and effort required. To address this, Towers Perrin will work closely with Callidus Software in the area of sales force effectiveness and rewards, a critically important part of the alliance.

Each firm adds significant value to the alliance. Towers Perrin’s Sales and Marketing Effectiveness practice focuses on improving its clients’ ability to acquire, develop and retain customers. Services range from go-to-market strategy development to strategy implementation and development of performance management and motivation programs for the sales force.