Intel Corp is encouraging Unix vendors’ efforts to create more common operating system technologies by working with each of 33 Unix companies it has identified as being important in shaping the evolution of 64-bit Unix system software. Existence of the list was revealed by Intel VP Steve McGeady giving his much- publicized WinHell evidence to the Microsoft Corp antitrust trial in Washington last week (CI No 3,538). We think it’s less an effort to get Unix vendors to standardize on one 64-bit version of the operating system (which Microsoft attempted to show was an example of it throwing its weight around) than its plan to try and wean the enterprise off RISC and on to its IA-64 by attracting ISVs to a common development platform with broad application deployment possibilities. McGeady also re- affirmed that Intel has a 64-bit version of Windows NT up and running on its most advanced representation of Merced.