Data General Corp’s first loss in ten quarters – $4.5m on sales down 7% at $361.8m – stems largely from the problem it’s had getting the FC5000 fiber channel RAID 5 controller for its Clariion storage systems out of the door. It’s been having sell its SCSI technology against faster UltraSCSI arrays from rivals. The controller’s ready to roll but it will take a while for vendors to tweak their servers to support it. Its Clariion storage sales were down for the first time ever at $92m, off 30%. Aviion server sales were reportedly up 7% at $134m – but below expectations – while NUMA sales were $17m, the same as the previous quarter. PC were said to be down by 36% to $18m. DG has reorganized by putting former sales chief Joel Schwartz in charge of Clariion and installing Ethan Allen as Aviion boss.