San Jose, California based Canopus Corp has launched a new version of its Pure3D three dimensional games accelerator. The Pure3D LX is a cut-down version aimed at home PC gamers. Like its predecessor, the LX uses the 3Dfx Voodoo controller and has 6MB of memory, 2MB of buffer memory and 4MB dedicated to processing. The company claims that the LX offers ‘the best performance of any Voodoo product’ in its class. The product has been kept to a budget by virtue of the fact that it does not have the TV-out facilities of its the more expensive parent accelerator. The Pure3D LX is shipping now, priced at $129. The company has also announced a price cut on the Pure3D accelerator from $179 to $149. Canopus is also currently developing Pure3D II, which will based around 3Dfx’s Voodoo 2 graphics controller.