e-content business service offerings provider Infotrieve has updated its cloud-based Mobile Library with an improved search function, additional features for Personal & Shared Libraries and general user interface enhancements.

The new release also integrates the Mobile Library with Infotrieve’s BRAVO, a web-based aggregation platform that simplifies bulk ordering of reprints and eprints.

Infotrieve’s Mobile Library offers fully secure, cloud-based anywhere, anytime access to enterprise e-content, along with instant access to a world of knowledge on a pay-per-view basis and leverages Infotrieve’s "borderless office" technology to enable users to switch between their PC, Mac or iPad seamlessly, as their workspace is automatically synchronised across devices.

The updated Mobile Library’s new features include: an enhanced search interface with additional flexibility for ranking results, and the addition of an auto-complete feature; and updates to the Browsed Holdings feature including improved filtering, copyright permissions ordering and compact citation display.

In addition, the updated Mobile Library also includes a new functionality in the Personal & Shared Library Suite including a dashboard showing recent changes to the library, discussion pages in each library for general comments, user creation and management of shared libraries, and enhanced administrative controls.

Infotrieve president and CEO Ken Benvenuto said Infotrieve continuously works to enrich its product and service offerings to anticipate the needs of its clients.

"This latest release exemplifies one of the key advantages of Infotrieve’s cloud-based architecture in providing us the flexibility to rapidly add additional capabilities to our software that address the evolving business requirements of our business partners," said Benvenuto.