Amazon, the online shopping giant, is moving into sporting goods segment through its Quidsi unit, according to reports.

Quidsi, which was acquired by Amazon in 2010 for $145m, is said to be entering this segment, as the sporting goods segment does not have a big online presence.

According to Credit Suisse analysts, this sector lacks a good website partly because many brands limit online distribution for fear of diminishing their image or disrupting existing relationships with independent specialty retailers.

Quidsi’s home furnishing website is already on the verge of launch and has lined up over 35,000 bedroom, kitchen and home décor products for sale.

Besides, it has been operating sites such products as, beauty and health products site, pet supplies website and toys site

Online job postings by Amazon have already given an indication that the sporting goods business is on the anvil.

Neither Amazon nor Quidsi made any comments regarding this initiative.