Telecom Italia says it will not replace its CEO Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano who departed last week but will instead hand control to three new management committees – for operations, one for strategy and development and one for finance and administration. Vito Gamberale, the chief of Telecom Italia Mobile, will retain his post as Telecom Italia Mobile chief, as well as becoming director general of the committee for operations. Francesco De Leo, who stepped down as one of Telecom’s board members, was named director general for strategy and development. A director general for the final committee, the finance committee, has not been named yet. According to the company, This new organizational structure is characterized by a collegial management led by an executive chairmanship. TI chairman Gian Maria Rossignolo said when he joined the company in January that he would take an active role in the running the company, which is the fifth largest telecoms carrier in the world, as it tried to operate in a newly competitive market.