Thin client manufacturer Network Computer Devices Inc has posted a loss for the second quarter of $0.7m, after a warning earlier in the year that the company was going to book worse figures than in the first quarter. Although there is no word on when the recovery is going to come, the way has just been opened by Microsoft Corp finally launching the multi-user version of NT, Hydra, last month (CI No 3,433). NCD also saw its sales down 34.0% at $22.7m, reflecting a continual down-turn in the x- windows terminal business, with no significant line of revenue to replace it, as neither windows terminals nor Network Computers have yet taken off. The company’s quarterly results were bolstered by the sale of $1.9m worth of shares in media streaming company Precept Inc to Cisco, which bought Precept in April. NCD was unavailable for comment on whether it was predicting any longer term improvement in its financial fortunes. Instead, in a prepared statement, chief executive officer Robert Gilbertson said that there were a growing number of corporate customers interested in multi-user Windows NT.