Construction and property development company NCC Group has chosen CA Tchnologies’ ecoSoftware, energy and sustainability management offering to help manage the company’s sustainability program and better meet its climate change strategy by automating carbon reporting, cutting carbon emissions and improving NCC Group’s environmental profile.

The CA ecoSoftware offering will introduce a systematic and governed approach towards NCC Group’s energy, carbon, and environmental activities by accurately accounting and reporting on its energy and carbon emissions, and by communicating sustainability milestones and performance in a more efficient and timely manner.

With CA ecoSoftware, NCC Group will have the flexibility to report on a multitude of environmental practises including the measurement of consumption and spend associated with energy and natural resources used in the building construction phase.

In addition, CA ecoSoftware will also help NCC Group to more effectively report on their environmental activities to third-party organisations such as the Global Reporting Initiative and the Carbon Disclosure Project.

NCC Group Environmental Affairs vice-president Christina Lindbäck said CA Technologies will support NCC’s drive to be one of Europe’s most innovative and sustainable construction and property organisations.

"The company has a strong track record on environmental affairs, and the use of CA ecoSoftware will take this success to the next level. This implementation will enable us to better manage our energy consumption and simultaneously develop and build more energy-efficient properties to ultimately become more efficient in our use of power and natural resources," said Lindbäck.

CA Technologies CA ecoSoftware general manager Terrence Clark said managers and executives can quickly deliver reports and analysis from CA ecoSoftware by systematically pulling together energy, carbon and sustainability data from thousands of disparate sources across the enterprise.

"We are very pleased that NCC Group has selected CA ecoSoftware and is implementing it to advance their program to become a more innovative and sustainable construction company," said Clark.