Hewlett-Packard said that WebOS platform’s full source code would be made available to the public by September under the open source Apache License, Version 2.0.

It also announced a timeline as to when it would release individual elements.

During the last month, HP said it would make its WebOS available to the open-source community.

HP on Wednesday released version 2.0 of WebOS’s developer tool, Enyo, "giving the open-source community immediate access" to the application framework for WebOS.

HP in a press release said Enyo 2.0 enables developers to write a single application that works across mobile devices and desktop web browsers, from the webOS, iOS and Android platforms to the Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers — and more.

"The source code for Enyo is available today, giving the open source community immediate access to the acclaimed application framework for webOS," the company added.

The individual elements of the source code, which would be made available, range from core applications like Mail and Calendar to its Linux kernel.

HP executive vice president and chief strategy officer Bill Veghte said this was a decisive step toward meeting HP’s goal of accelerating the platform’s development and ensuring that its benefits will be delivered to the entire ecosystem of web applications.