Mobile and tablet app development company Compsoft has launched iPresent, a new iPad app that enables business users and sales teams to display and present any content through one intuitive, fully branded interface.

iPresent is powered by a secure web-based Content Management System and with the new system, organisations can make sure that users can easily access the most up to date files and documents whenever and wherever they need it.

iPresent is scalable, from single-person businesses up to large organisations with multiple teams, territories and languages.

iPresent’s security model lets administrators group users and selectively grant access rights to different content, ensuring people only view information intended for them.

Once users sign in to the iPad app, all content is downloaded over encrypted data connections and full operation of the iPad app can also be achieved with or without a network connection.

Compsoft CEO Phil Lenton said the iPad is great for showing business slides, a movie clip or a technical document, but, until now, it hasn’t been able to organise all that content into one convenient place, for easy access.

"iPresent addresses this problem by organising and structuring the content, which can then be presented via fully customisable interactive iPad menu systems that can be tailored to fit any brand," said Lenton.