4Front Technologies Inc, a London, UK IT services firm, is in a hurry to recruit staff with e-commerce skills to cash in on post-Y2K IT spending, and has signed a deal with London-based Momentus Ltd, which should give it access to 30 consultants. 4Front only has 10 consultants with specific e-commerce skills out of a total staff roster of 2,000. It expects to hire 32 more, but Momentus will enable it to offer e-commerce consultancy services more quickly. In turn, Momentus will be able to target 4Front’s 500 customers.

4Front will initially offer the service from London, but intends to roll out to France and possibly Germany and Sweden. Chief operaqting officer Terry Burt expects IT budgets to be released following the relief of Year 2000 concerns, which is why the London company is keen to get its service offering in place as soon as possible. 4Front will target mid-market firms or corporate departments. Although it competes with IBM Global Services occasionally, 4Front says it often works as a sub-contractor for large consultancies or services companies.

4Front, a Nasdaq-listed company, posted a profit of $7.5m from $238m in sales last year.