Technology and digital space firm Valtech has introduced a new mobile channel for the delivery of services by reference and marketing databases provider for libraries and government agencies AtoZDatabases.

With the offerring, Valtech will add a new delivery channel in addition to existing web-based subscription channels.

The offering incorporates a native application for iPhone and iPad systems, which makes use of built-in capabilities of the iOS platform to provide features such as location-specific searches and localised content and allows interactive functionalities using maps and directions associated with search results.

With the new offering, users are offered with a faster, simpler and more innovative means of accessing AtoZDatabases’ services.

Valtech’s Chief Technology Officer Guy Duncan said Valtech’s solution enhances AtoZDatabases’ services around digital media by providing robust iPhone capabilities that take full advantage of locations services and web services for fully interactive user experiences.

AtoZDatabases president Rakesh Gupta said with a valid library card, patrons will be able to access their local library or any library within a 10-mile radius from where they are, that carries the AtoZ reference database.

"Whether you’re looking for a job or the next coffee shop in town, AtoZ’s ‘find a business’, ‘find a person’ and reverse phone look-up of 14 million businesses and 220 million households will all be made available through this app," said Gupta.