In our article PrivaSeek Aims to Establish Java Privacy Standards on Friday, we said that the ad-hoc grouping of Java developers attempting to drive the development of APIs and specifications for privacy applications, was said to have the support of the W3C. We wrote that Steve Lucas, PrivaSeek’s CIO, had spoken to Danny Weitzner, technology and society domain leader of the W3C and the two have agreed that this effort is complementary to P3P, not competitive.

The W3C told us Friday that while it is pleased to see its specifications implemented, there is no relationship between W3C’s P3P Activity and PrivaSeek, or its recent efforts. The W3C Advisory Committee Meeting – a meeting open to the membership of the W3C – is held in Toronto on 10-11 May, immediately before the 8th World Wide Web Conference. There is no Privacy Advisory Committee.