Fully listed and based in Nottingham, Jasmin’s activities include the design and production of a range of software based and manufactured products for the transport, defence and security markets.

This order was included within the £13 million order book stated in the preliminary results statement on 17 July 2000. The text of the Highways Agency’s statement is as follows :

Delivering the Government’s 10 Year Plan for Transport The Highways Agency today awarded a contract to Jasmin Simtec to design, supply, install and maintain a new generation of emergency telephones across the motorway and trunk road network in England. The new telephones will use the latest technology to improve communication links for all road users, but particularly the most vulnerable.

The £10M contract uses an innovative form of Public Private Partnership (‘PPP’). The four-year programme to replace all the existing emergency telephones on the network will begin next summer. There are about 5,500 emergency telephones on England’s motorways and trunk roads They connect motorists directly to police control centres, to provide a reliable and safe means of reporting breakdowns and accidents.

The new telephones are more advanced than existing ones as they:

have clearer communication by cutting down background noise

have text displays for use by people with hearing difficulties

have easier access for people with disabilities

can be used in a choice of languages, with the operators seeing responses in English

are easier to maintain and are more cost effective

are highly visible and vandal resistant.

Welcoming the award of the contract Highways Agency Chief Executive Peter Nutt said: ‘Motorway emergency telephones provide an important service to road users, giving precise identification of the caller’s location to the police which allows a fast response by emergency and breakdown services. The installation of these new telephones will help to deliver safer roads, an aim set out recently in the Government’s 10 Year Plan for Transport.

Greater use of the latest technology was also identified in the Plan as a vital tool for tackling congestion and improving conditions for motorists. The existing phones have been invaluable to motorists, but advances in technology mean that these new telephones provide improved communications with the police for all drivers, better access for disabled people and provision for use by those who are deaf.