Healthcare and the public sector will increase spend on enterprise information portals solutions.

Financial services, telecommunications and the services sector have risen to prominence in the EIP sector. This is largely due to merger and acquisition activity in the financial services sector, deregulation throughout Europe of the telecommunications sector, cross-border activities of the services sector and global consolidation within these areas.

Financial services accounted for approximately $411 million of the 2001 EI market, while telecommunications and services accounted for $158 million and $180 million respectively.

The public sector is set to be the fastest growing with a CAGR of approximately 21% between 2001-05, enabling it to command approximately $203 million in revenues at the end of this period. Reallocated budgets have encouraged governments to eliminate inefficiencies present in their political systems by utilizing EIP and integration technologies.

Government initiatives are driving demand for cross-departmental portal projects with the aim of transforming the citizen into a consumer of public services. Government legislation now dictates that many government departments should be opened up to the general public as well as each other. EIPs are prime candidates for this task, enabling disparate departments, applications and people to be connected through a unified and integrated user interface.

The healthcare sector will also see significant growth (CAGR 20%) in the coming years, growing to a total of $276 million in 2005. Enterprise portals can show a massive ROI in the healthcare vertical as they are implemented to assist with clinical trials of new drugs. Speed is of the essence here and a successfully tested drug can realize potential savings or revenues of over $1 billion per month in its initial stages. The ability to communicate with other researchers and practitioners through the portal will show huge returns, eliminate inefficiencies and allow a faster time to market.

Related research: Datamonitor, Enterprise integration, portals and web services 2003 (DMTC0865)

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