Billed as the first Internet-based suspense thriller, Majestic launched in North America on July 30 on the interactive entertainment site at Akamai is providing the on-demand streaming delivery services for the Majestic game, delivering audio and video transmissions of information integral to the Majestic story, while helping to enhance the game’s interactive experience for players.

Majestic places players in the center of an unfolding mystery adventure, and delivers a highly personalized experience through common everyday devices that are connected to the Internet through which to tell its story. A critical part of the Majestic experience comes when players explore for clues and information on the Internet using the Majestic search engine. As users experience the game, online newscasts, web-cam recordings and audio transmissions provide information relevant to the game while interactive streaming audio and video clips, delivered by Akamai, provide clues to help solve the mystery. With Akamai’s streaming service, Majestic users receive reliable, high-quality broadband and narrowband experiences regardless of spikes in traffic via Akamai’s globally distributed network of more than 11,600 servers located at the edge of the Internet.

A key principle during the development of Majestic was the use of best-of-breed technology partnerships to help deliver the revolutionary platform that Majestic is built upon, said Neil Young, vice president & executive in charge of production, Electronic Arts. Akamai, with its proven expertise in handling streaming events on the Internet along with its ability to scale to support the largest of broadband audiences, easily met our needs for a streaming delivery provider.

With the launch of Majestic, combines an inventive use of cutting-edge technologies with an innovative form of entertainment to deliver a completely new and different way of storytelling, said Mike Campbell, vice president of sales, Akamai. We’re excited to play an important role in the Majestic launch by enhancing the online experience for players and improving the quality and reliability of the game’s highly interactive features.