Formerly known as Acurex Environmental, the business is a leading provider of transportation technology, energy systems, and environmental services.

The acquisition of Acurex Environmental further reinforces Arthur D. Little’s business in providing advanced energy technology services to our clients, states Dr. John Collins, Senior Vice President and Managing Director of Arthur D. Little’s Technology & Innovation business. Traditionally, much of our work in this area has been in technology platform development and product development. For example, Arthur D. Little developed the Multi-Fuel Processora key component that enables the use of gasoline or ethanol fuels in fuel-cell-powered automobiles. Combined with Acurex Environmental’s strengths in prototype development, demonstration, and commercialization, Arthur D. Little will be able to offer our clients more comprehensive capabilities, unrivaled by other firms.

Integrating Acurex Environmental capabilities into Arthur D. Little will also expand ADL’s unique ability to combine state-of-the-art environment and technology knowledge to effect improved decisions for business and the environment. This acquisition will complement our well-established environmental, health, and safety presence in both northern and southern California and augment our air-quality-related services, added Dr. Robert Lambe, Managing Director of Arthur D. Little’s Environment & Risk business. In addition to its Mountain View facilities, Acurex Environmental has an office in the Los Angeles area.

Acurex Environmental comprises three primary businesses. Its transportation business includes projects such as the development of low- and zero-emission vehicle technologies and the use of conventional and alternative fuels in light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles. Its energy business specializes in development and commercialization of combustion- and emission-control technologies. Lastly, its environmental business provides environmental technology commercialization; permitting and regulatory consulting; emission control; and source and ambient air testing. The company’s client list includes major government agencies, industry associations, and leading automotive manufacturers and suppliers.

We are enthusiastic about joining Arthur D. Little, comments Mike Jackson, leader of Acurex Environmental’s Transportation Unit. Our businesses are very complementary. Through Arthur D. Little we will be able to access over 600 scientists and engineers as well as advanced laboratory facilities to strengthen our service offerings. Arthur D. Little operates two technology centers of excellence, located in Cambridge, MA, U.S.A. and Cambridge, U.K., providing technology development, product development, and technology-based consulting services to clients around the globe.