
Launch of independent plc

Sales up 11% to £1.4bn (1)

Profit from continuing operations, before exceptional items, acquisition reorganisation costs and goodwill amortisation £139.4 million (1999 £155.0 million)

Strong organic growth in Continental Europe and Americas

Restructuring actions completed in UK and Australia

£181.7m invested in new acquisitions

(1) At constant exchange rates

Commenting on the results, Robert Gasparini, Chief Executive, said:

2000 has been a year of immense change, culminating in the listing of Chubb as an independent company in November. While it is clear that the transition undoubtedly took its toll on the results for the year, I am confident that we are now in a strong position to capitalise on the opportunities that exist in our fragmented market and to deliver growth over the coming year.