With these agreements, Verizon’s national Yellow Pages sales force is now offering SuperPages.com advertisers SuperNetwork banner ads and online coupons.

Our research, including Gallup polls, shows that small- to medium-sized companies with a Web presence increase their local business marketshare, said Patrick Marshall, group vice president, marketing for Verizon Information Services. With SuperNetwork banner ads and online coupons, SuperPages.com is offering advertisers the tools they need to drive targeted, qualified leads and ready-to-buy customers through both Web and foot traffic.

With LocalNet, Engage’s local channel sales initiative, SuperPages.com advertisers can target relevant consumers by distributing SuperNetwork banner ads to subject-oriented Web sites, such as automotive and travel sites. In addition, SuperNetwork banners can be distributed to reach consumers who are conducting Web searches within specific geographic areas, such as Dallas County, Texas, or the Los Angeles metropolitan area.

With online coupons, local advertisers can enhance their SuperPages.com listings with coupon offers, which appear as a button next to the listing. SuperPages.com online coupons also will be distributed through Eversave’s network of partner Web sites and to Eversave’s two million registered opt-in users.

Verizon makes designing an online coupon and SuperNetwork banner ad easy by providing customers with in-house design templates. Advertisers simply provide customized text copy to their Yellow Pages sales representative, and select the subject matter category and the geographic area to target.

With Engage, one of the largest online advertising networks, SuperPages.com advertisers can access nearly 41.5 million unique users*, said Tony Nuzzo, president and CEO, Engage. Engage’s subject and geographic-targeting capabilities will allow Verizon’s local advertisers to extend their reach and distribution to qualified online consumers.

According to The Kelsey Group, a research company specializing in local advertising and electronic commerce, the $306 million that small- to medium-sized businesses spent last year in Internet Yellow Pages is expected to exceed $1.5 billion by 2006. The combination of online Yellow Pages and targeted Internet-based marketing tools are becoming an important part of the local marketing mix for traditionally cost-conscious small businesses, says Daniel N. Miller, senior vice president for The Kelsey Group.

Eversave’s online coupon strategy enables the local merchant to adopt the power of the Internet by promoting relevant offers directly to local customers via digital coupons, said Jere Doyle, president and CEO, Eversave. With 75 percent of American households using coupons, Verizon online coupons are a great way to connect shoppers with their neighborhood retailers and services.

With approximately seven million visits a month, SuperPages.com has become one of the fastest advertising mediums available for local businesses, said Verizon’s Marshall. By working with leaders in online marketing and advertising, such as Engage and Eversave, we are one step closer to our goal of increased traffic, loyal users and savvy advertisers.