The existing call centre and field operations, including approximately 1500 staff, are planned to transfer to Capita in July 2002.

The contract plays to Capita’s strengths and experience of transitioning and transforming complex, multi-disciplinary and large scale administrative activities that incorporate multi-channel contact centres, back office administration, revenue collection and IT services within a demanding public service environment. Capita will be working in partnership with AMV who has been selected as preferred supplier to deliver the integral marketing and communications activity.

Zarin Patel, BBC Head of Revenue Management, said:

We are confident that Capita and AMV are the leaders in their fields and together will provide the best service for both the BBC and licence fee payers. Both companies demonstrated throughout the bid process the ability to be innovative and to work in partnership with the BBC.

Rod Aldridge, Executive Chairman of the Capita Group Plc, commented:

We are delighted to have been selected as preferred partner to administer TV Licensing for the BBC. We see extensive opportunities for innovative use of new technologies and new ways of working to enhance the service and increase the contribution to the BBC. We look forward to continuing to develop our partnership with the BBC, for whom we currently deliver front-line customer information services, and to working closely with AMV to the benefit of all parties and ultimately to all viewers and listeners of the BBC.

Final negotiations are now on-going with the intention of finalising contracts as soon as possible. The BBC stressed that it is business as usual for TV Licensing activity until the new contracts start next year. Further announcements on the new contract will be made nearer the time.