In a multi-million pound contract, Logica developed a high performance EAI solution which fully integrates Ocado’s selected infrastructure. Ultimately, this provides customers with a quicker, faster and more cost-effective e-grocery service.

Logica designed the EAI architecture based on a robust Middleware product which integrates best of breed applications packages selected by Ocado for its core business processes. These business applications support a range of Ocado’s operations including the customer website, order management, warehouse, scheduling and delivery management systems which are at the heart of the business.

Logica’s solution and integration strategy represents a significant component within the overall application framework which underpins Ocado’s business model.

Nigel Robertson, Ocado’s co-MD says We challenged Logica with a very aggressive timetable to design and deliver a mission-critical element of our systems portfolio. Its experienced and highly skilled team are delivering a high quality solution to meet the timescales and budget of our business plan. We have real confidence in Logica as a partner and believe its solution will be a successful component of our service trial due to take place towards the end of this year.

Commenting for Logica, Andrew De Cleyn, divisional director for Industry, Distribution and Transport said, This challenge is one that is right at the heart of Logica’s core competence. We are finding many opportunities today for robust integration solutions to underpin the e-Business initiatives of major organisations; this is a crucial element of a responsive, customer-centric, on-line service today. At Ocado we have developed an excellent rapport with their team and are very pleased to have been entrusted with the delivery of this critical element to their service.