Under the terms of the agreement, IBM will incorporate portions of SKYVA’s application development products as part of its WebSphere(1) e-business infrastructure software. SKYVA will also market IBM’s WebSphere as a key component of its solutions and will integrate its products with IBM’s WebSphere. The resulting combination of SKYVA’s advanced business process automation, e-business, and supply chain technologies with IBM’s robust, highly scalable and multi-platform infrastructure middleware will enhance customers’ abilities to achieve rapid application development and delivery of solution content.

Additionally, customers will gain improved capacity to create flexible, business process driven solutions that cross multiple business domains and integrate with enterprise resource planning, shop floor and legacy systems. Based on open standards, the combined SKYVA and IBM WebSphere solutions can be deployed across a variety of platforms, protecting legacy investments while creating application infrastructures that can evolve to meet constantly changing business process requirements.

IBM’s industry-leading WebSphere software provides the foundation for total e-business solutions for today’s manufacturing customers who demand increased efficiencies and reduced costs to better serve their customers, said Steve Ward, General Manager of IBM’s Global Industrial Sector. With SKYVA’s innovative and flexible rapid application development environment, we extend the leading-edge portfolio of solutions our customers can leverage to meet their business needs.

Faced with dynamic markets, growing competition and the need for better e-business solutions, our customers are demanding new ways to accelerate solution deployment, said Guenther Moeckesch, CEO of SKYVA International. Thanks to the component-based architecture of IBM’s WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Business Integrator combined with SKYVA’s rapid application development and integration technology, customers will be able to deploy solutions in less time, for less cost, and with greater ease as they work to grow their applications.